Infusion therapy delivers medication directly into your bloodstream, allowing for precise dosing. At InfusionMD in The Woodlands, Texas, Jessen Mukalel, MD, provides several types of infusion therapy, including ketamine, lidocaine, and growth factors, to address various conditions ranging from chronic pain to treatment-resistant depression. If you’re interested in therapy, call InfusionMD or schedule a consultation online today to find out whether it’s right for you.

Infusion Therapy Q & A

What is infusion therapy?

Infusion therapy delivers medication and other nutrients into your bloodstream through an IV drip. Many types of medication are delivered intravenously, but Dr. Mukalel focuses on treating chronic pain and mental health issues, such as:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lyme disease

Infusion-therapy allows for precise dosing, and it typically requires smaller amounts of medicine than you would take orally. Infusions bypass your digestive system, which might not absorb all of the medication you take.

What are the available types of infusion therapy?

At InfusionMD, Dr. Mukalel provides ketamine and lidocaine infusions to relieve pain and other chronic symptoms. 

Lidocaine infusion therapy

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic often used for minor medical procedures. However, when delivered intravenously, it can relieve chronic pain and related neuropathic pain symptoms. The medication blocks pain receptors in your brain and spinal cord, reducing your pain experience. 

Ketamine infusion therapy

Ketamine is a powerful surgical anesthetic that provides relief of pain and other chronic health symptoms when small doses are delivered intravenously. Ketamine affects the N-Methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in your brain and spinal cord. 

Dr. Mukalel carefully monitors your infusion therapy to provide a stable and effective treatment. Most patients have a series of six treatments, each lasting 40 minutes, over 3-6 weeks. 

What happens during therapy?

When you have infusion therapy, you relax in a comfortable chair in a private treatment room. Dr. Mukalel or another member of the clinical team is with you throughout your infusion. After your provider inserts your IV and starts your drip, you simply relax.

You might become sleepy or feel a tingling sensation. Some patients might feel like they’re floating. Dr. Mukalel releases you after your infusion is complete, and any side effects subside.

You might have some lingering sleepiness, so a friend or family member should drive you home. You should feel refreshed and ready to return to your regular activities after a good night’s sleep.

How do I know if infusion therapy is right for me?

Dr. Mukalel provides thorough consultations before recommending treatment. If you have a disruptive chronic pain condition or mental health issue that hasn’t responded to conventional therapy, make an appointment at InfusionMD.

Call the office or use the online scheduling tool to book your consultation today.

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